The critical piece is the configuration of the Matrix33 value. This configures the alpha component of the matrix. (a value from 0 to 1 in my sample)
It is important to call Dispose on loaded images files that are no longer needed. This is critical to avoid locking the file (and angering you and your application users).
ColorMatrix zColor = new ColorMatrix();
zColor.Matrix33 = (float)opacity / 255.0f;
ImageAttributes zAttrib = new ImageAttributes();
Bitmap zSourceImage = new Bitmap(sFile);
Bitmap zBitmap = new Bitmap(zSourceImage.Width, zSourceImage.Height); // target image
Graphics zGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(zBitmap);
// draw the source image into the destination with the desired opacity
zGraphics.DrawImage(zSourceImage, new Rectangle(0, 0, zBitmap.Width, zBitmap.Height),
0, 0, zBitmap.Width, zBitmap.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, zAttrib);